Employer Policies and Guidelines

The Career Offices of The Claremont Colleges’ Consortium (Claremont Graduate University, Claremont McKenna College, Harvey Mudd College, Keck Graduate Institute, Pitzer College, Pomona College, 和斯克里普斯学院)已经建立了指导方针,以帮助促进所有雇主的招聘过程. 作为全国大学和雇主协会(NACE)的成员, we ask that our employers be familiar with and honor their Principles for Professional Practice.

Policies and Guidelines – A to Z


我们不鼓励雇主在招聘过程中提供酒水. 我们关心的是你的责任以及我们学生的安全和福利, 特别是在参加校外活动时,需要学生开车安全返回校园. Underage drinking is strictly forbidden.

Exploding Offers

我们要求雇主不要开出“爆炸性的offer”或取消奖金,这会给学生带来不必要的压力,迫使他们在短时间内或在面试过程完成之前做出决定. Most students are not ready, nor should they be, 在完成所有面试前做出最后决定. 遗憾的是,尽早接受的压力使我们更难执行反对食言的政策. 

Home Office Policy

Due to liability and risk management issues, 克莱蒙特学院联盟不允许实习生或求职者进入家庭办公室或家庭培训环境.

Internship Guidelines 

Before posting an internship, please see the Pitzer College Career Services Internship Guidelines. Additionally, if you intend to offer an unpaid internship, the U.S. Department of Labor has specific requirements. 

Marijuana-Related Employers 

尽管大麻在加利福尼亚州的某些条件下是合法的, it is not legal under federal law.  The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act 1989 (DFSCA) provides, 作为在任何联邦计划下获得资金或任何形式的财政援助的条件, 高等教育机构必须证明其采取并实施了防止非法占有的方案, use, 或者学生和员工分发非法药物或酒精.” Further, under the DFSCA, 高等教育机构必须采用“明确禁止, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, 或学生和雇员在其财产内或作为其活动的一部分分发非法毒品和酒精.”  If a college fails to comply, it could become ineligible for federal funding, including financial aid programs for students.

In order to ensure compliance with federal law, 克莱蒙特学院联合会就业中心不支持与大麻有关的雇主招聘学生或校友. This includes, but is not limited to, posting internship or work opportunities, hosting company representatives on campus, promoting job shadow placements, and supporting internships for credit or non-credit.

Non-discrimination Policy

Pitzer College adheres to the letter and spirit of the Ethical Practice in College Admission 全国大学入学咨询协会(NACAC). Pitzer College admits students of any race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, age, creed, handicap, or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, 以及学院通常提供给学生的活动. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, 在其教育政策的管理中也没有民族或种族血统, scholarships and loan programs, 体育和其他大学管理的项目和就业政策.

因此,我们要求所有雇主遵守所有适用的州和联邦民权法律,禁止在招聘和工作场所歧视, which includes discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex (gender or gender identity), sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, disability, national origin, ethnic origin, or prior military service.

Additionally, 我们希望为我们的学生提供机会的雇主遵守我们的专业组织-全国大学和雇主协会(NACE)所包含的信息。, guidelines. Please review the NACE Statement of Diversity and Inclusion.

Offer Guidelines

为了支持对雇主和学生公平公正的过程, Pitzer College follows the “Setting Reasonable Deadlines For Job Offers这是美国大学与雇主协会(NACE)提出的建议。.  这些指导方针包括给候选人合理的时间和信息,让他们对工作机会做出明智的决定,同时也尊重潜在雇主的需求.  

Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

The Career Offices of The Claremont Colleges’ Consortium and Handshake, our Career Center Management software, 是否承诺维护学生提供的个人信息的隐私, alumni, and employers. Handshake’s commitment to all participants – schools, employers, 学生/校友-对在握手中收集的所有信息保密. Handshake will not sell, transmit, or disclose, in any fashion, this information to any other organization. Handshake不隶属于克莱蒙特学院联盟, and therefore, the Consortium cannot guarantee, 它也不对本声明中依赖于Handshake的陈述及其对这些陈述的遵守的任何部分承担责任.

Second Round Interviews

Ideally, 第二轮面试不应在第一轮面试后三天内安排. Students have classes, 考试和其他事先的义务,他们不能立即取消通知. 如果学生因为事先的承诺而不能参加第二轮面试,我们要求他们不要立即被淘汰, but that alternative options be provided. 灵活安排工作时间的雇主通常能够吸引并获得最优秀的候选人.

雇主不应该要求或期望学生取消与另一家公司的第一轮面试来参加他们的第二轮面试. 这对学生是不公平的,也会造成公司之间的冲突.

Student Information for Military Recruitment

The Solomon Amendment, a federal law, 规定接受联邦资助(研究经费)的教育机构, etc.)必须满足军队招募的要求,才能进入校园,并获得包含学生招募信息的名单.  根据1974年的《推荐十大正规网赌网站》(FERPA - p1-16),招生人员将无法获得学生的个人身份信息。.  根据本法,可供发布的信息仅限于姓名, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, level of education, academic major, and degree received.

Contact Information

Career Services

就业服务中心在这里帮助你取得研究生的成功, no matter what that looks like for you. 从职业咨询到研究生和专业学校的建议, 我们的团队为您提供毕业后实现目标所需的工具.

Scott Hall, Room 126 (first floor, south end)

Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Open year-round, except for select College holidays.