Academic Accommodations

匹泽学术支持服务(PASS)致力于满足学生的需求. PASS努力包括和访问所有的匹策课程,节目和活动. 我们通过合理的住宿或重新设计校园体验来实现这一目标.

Requesting Academic Accommodations

合理的住宿是在个性化评估后确定的. Among the factors considered are:

  • The nature of the student’s disability
  • Accommodations that the student has 访问ed in the past
  • 所要求的住宿是否允许学生访问和参与课程或项目
  • 所要求的住宿是否改变了课程或项目的基本要求

Steps to Register for Academic Accommodations

步骤1: Complete academic accommodation application and submit documentation

填写申请表并将您的文件上传到我们的在线住宿系统,请使用以下链接: Academic Accommodations Application. If this is 你r first time requesting accommodations, submit documentation at least 2 weeks before 你r first examination. We advise that admitted students start this process by June 1.

支持ing documentation should include: 

  • 具体的诊断
  • Licensing and experience of healthcare professional
  • Major life activities impacted
  • 参加Pitzer推荐十大正规网赌网站所需的住宿清单

Find documentation guidelines here.

Step 2: Set up an appointment with PASS

电邮至 to set up a time to meet with our staff. 我们将审查您的住宿,讨论过程,并回答问题. 你有责任安排这次会面来确定你的住宿.


Once registered with PASS, 每个学期,学生都需要登录他们的住宿门户网站,为他们的新课程申请住宿. 请在考试前至少一周申请住宿.

Accommodation Portal Login

您可以在以下链接的门户网站上找到如何申请住宿信的分步指南: How to request 你r accommodations for the semester [PDF].

如果您使用考试辅助设施,您还将使用门户来安排考试 Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC). Pitzer students should schedule their accommodated exams at least seven business days before 考试. 这是为了确保有足够的空间和时间来满足请求.

SDRC安排考试的分步指南可在此链接中找到: How to Schedule Exams [PDF].

如果你有做笔记的条件,你也需要每学期申请笔记. 你可以在这个链接上找到要求做笔记的步骤说明: How to Request Notes [PDF].

Step 4: Follow up on any accommodation logistics

如果您有任何疑虑、问题或困难,请尽快与PASS联系. 这样,我们可以确保及时为您提供住宿. 我们将尽快尽最大努力促进住宿过程并提供支持.

不遵守这些时间表可能会导致学院无法及时提供所要求的帮助. Accommodations are not retroactive. 我们的办公室和教师都必须有足够的时间来实施这些安排. 

Extenuating circumstances are determined by our office. These circumstances can include:

  • Sudden acute onset of a psychological condition
  • 住院治疗
  • Flare up of an existing disability
  • 受伤
  • Recent onset of a disability or disability-related complications
  • Undue delay in documentation
  • Late addition of a course


Examples of Academic Accommodations

We provide a wide array of accommodations and services. Listed below are examples of what PASS can provide:

  • 记事的支持
  • Extended time on exams
  • Private test area for exams
  • 辅助技术
  • Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC)

Student Disability Resource Center

学生残疾资源中心是为7C校区的残疾学生服务的. The SDRC works with the disability coordinators on all the campuses. 在一起, 他们确保学生获得学术支持服务和住宿,使他们能够实现他们的学术目标. SDRC还确保公平对待和参与所有校园的所有项目和活动. For more information, please visit the SDRC网站.

Placement Exam Accommodations – Incoming First-Year Students

Please note that some but not all placement exams are untimed. 如果您是即将入学的一年级学生并需要住宿,请联系PASS.

Additional Information

在高中,服务是由一组教育工作者和家长实施的,以促进你的 成功. When 你 enter college, the responsibility shifts. You must contact PASS to arrange 访问.

这是你与导师和顾问相处方式的根本改变. 作为一名大学生,你将开始所有的服务和住宿. Self-advocacy will play a bigger role. Students must be able to describe their disability, identify strengths and weaknesses, 确定任何需要的调整,以及如何成为一个称职的自我倡导者. For more information, visit the following links: 




  • Course schedules in college are different than high school. Classes can vary in length and days per week. 你可以在周二/周四上90分钟的课,在周一上三小时的课,每周上一次.
  • Students must keep track of important dates and manage their time. 你将负责安排你的时间来完成任务, 研究, 吃饭, 祝大家玩得开心.
  • 教授不会检查你是否完成了作业. Often they won’t remind 你 of due dates or exam dates. 大多数教授会在课程大纲中提前提供所有的截止日期,你会在第一天收到.
  • 教师经常计划他们的课程,这样学生就可以在课堂外学习很多东西. 这包括从外部阅读和图书馆研究中获取知识和事实.
  • 大多数成功的学生期望在课堂上每花一个小时学习两到三个小时. Students with disabilities may need to plan on a few more hours.
  • Be prepared for the first round of tests. They are often very different than students expect. Don’t wait to get help! Go to the professor’s office hours. Use tutoring, the writing center, and academic coaching.
  • 不同课程的教授通常不考虑其他课程或课外活动的要求来安排考试.
  • Professors may not follow the textbook. 而不是, 放大文本, they may give illustrations, provide background information, or discuss research about the topic 你 are 研究ing. 或者他们可能会期望  to relate the lectures/class discussions to the textbook readings.
  • 教授希望你能从同学那里得到你错过的课堂笔记.
  • Professors are usually open and helpful. However, most expect 你 to initiate contact if 你 need assistance.
  • 测试通常不频繁,可能是累积的,覆盖大量的材料. You need to organize the material to prepare for the test. A particular course may have only two or three tests in a semester.

Pitzer students have 访问 to academic coaching and other resources. 学术教练专注于帮助你学习策略和生活管理技能. 这 授权你 to 成功fully manage academic demands.


  • 高中毕业后进入大学的学生不仅要适应新的学习环境,还要适应新的城市和朋友.
  • It may be the first time they are living on their own. They may need to learn to budget their money, 烹饪, 维持一套公寓, 洗衣服, and learn how to live with a roommate.
  • Students will need to learn how to manage/handle conflict, whether with a roommate, classmate, or group. 

Pitzer students have 访问 to many resources to support mental health and wellness. 这些资源可以帮助你应对在大学期间可能出现的生活困境.