
  • Professor of 世俗的研究 and 社会学
  • 学院副院长
  • 世俗的研究 and 社会学 Field Groups


自从: 1998


BA, MA, PhD, University of 俄勒冈州

俗事, 无神论, Apostasy, and Scandinavian 文化


Secularism: Local/Global (SOC80)

社会学 and Its View of the World (SOC01)

社会学 Through Film (SOC81)

Classical Sociological Theory (SOC110)

社会学 of Religion (SOC114)

Scandinavian 文化 and Society (SOC79)

Secularism, Skepticism, 和反宗教 (SOC165)

道德意味着什么, Counterpoint出版社,2019. (http://www.counterpointpress.com/dd-product/what-it-means-to-be-moral/)

The Oxford Handbook of Secularism (with John Shook), Oxford University Press, 2017, was published

The Nonreligious: Understanding Secular People and Societies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.

过着世俗生活. 纽约:企鹅出版社,2014.

Invitation to the 社会学 of Religion (中文翻译). Beijing, China: Peking University Press, 2013.

没有上帝的社会 (意大利语翻译). Catania, Italy: Malcor  D’Edizione, 2013.

没有上帝的社会 (韩国翻译). Seoul, Korea:  Maumsanchaek, 2013.

Studying Religion and Society: Sociological Self-Portraits. 伦敦,英国:劳特利奇出版社,2013. 与Titus Hjlem合编.

Faith No More: Why People Reject Religion. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

无神论与世俗主义. 圣巴巴拉:Praeger, 2010.

Society Without God: What the Least Religious Nations Can Tell Us 推荐十大正规网赌网站 Contentment. New York: New York University Press, 2008.

Invitation to the 社会学 of Religion. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社,2003.


“Bringing up Nones:  Intergenerational Influences and Cohort Trends,” with Vern Bengtson and David Hayward. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2018: 1-18.

“Are Human Beings Naturally Religious? A Response to Christian Smith,” in 人类的宗教? Edited by Timothy Samuel Shah and Jack Friedman, Cambridge University Press, 2018.

“The Trump Administration’s Alternative Christianity,” Los Angeles Times August 11, 2017

“Secularism and Social Progress,” 免费的调查, April/May 2016 was voted as Winner of the Selma V. Forkosch Best Article of 2016 Award

“无神论, 俗事 and Well-Being,” 社会学的指南针, 卷.3, no.6(2009年12月).

“Why Are Danes and Swedes So Irreligious?” Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, 卷. 22, no.1 (2009).

“Aweism。” 免费的调查, 卷.29, no.3 (2009).

Recent Conference Presentations, Invited Talks and Commentary

“宗教与. Secular Approached to Morality in the Age of Trump,杰斐逊中心, 亚什兰, 俄勒冈州, 3月13日, 2017

什么是世俗研究?” University of Köln, 1月uary 10, 2017

The Great Debate: Marshall vs. 祖克曼(基督教vs. 世俗人文主义)”,10月. 23, 2013

“Secular Life in America,” 乔治敦大学, Washington D.C, 2月. 21,  2013

“The Rise of Irreligion in Europe and the USA: Causes and Consequences,” St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, Palm Desert, CA, 1月. 25, 2013

什么是世俗研究?” Santa Barbara Humanists Association, 10月. 20, 2012

Professor Zuckerman’s contributions to “The Blog” the 赫芬顿邮报 include “Taxes, Unions, and Healthcare—Oh, My!” (11月ember 13, 2012) and “One Nation under God—Not!(2012年9月6日).

“Obama’s Battle for Ohio’s Atheist Vote,” Op-Ed, 布隆伯格看来, 10月. 17, 2012

“Goodness and Godlessness” University Synagogue, Irvine, CA, May 25, 2012

“世俗的研究” Orange Country Freethought Alliance Annual Meeting, UC Irvine, May 20, 2012.

“Faith No More: Why People Reject Religion,” West 科罗拉多州 Atheists and Freethinkers, 大结, 科罗拉多州, 3月25日, 2012.

“Faith No More: Contemporary Apostasy in America” Center for Inquiry, Washington, D.C.2月. 10, 2012

“我们天生有宗教信仰吗?? A Response to Christian Smith,“宗教, 人的人格, 文化, 与社会研讨会, 乔治敦大学2月. 10, 2012

“What We Know 推荐十大正规网赌网站 Atheists and Secular People: A Social Science Perspective,Åbo Academie, 图尔库, 芬兰, 1月. 19, 2012

Studying Religion and Society, (co-editor, with Titus Hjlem), Routledge, 2012.

“Contrasting Irreligious Orientations: 无神论与世俗主义 in the USA and Scandinavia,” 接近宗教, v.2, n.2012年6月1日.

“Deviant Heroes: Nonconformists as Agents of Justice and Social Change.(布莱恩·沃尔夫), 越轨行为 33:639-654, 2012)

Professor Zuckerman authored several op-ed pieces, including “Why Do Americans Still Dislike Atheists?在… 华盛顿邮报》, April 30, 2011; “Majoring in 世俗的研究” in 《推荐十大正规网赌网站》 May 13, 2011; and “Why Evangelicals hate Jesus在… 赫芬顿邮报2011年3月3日.

“The Rise of Irreligion: Causes and Consequences,” Unitarian Universalist Community Church, 圣塔莫尼卡, CA, 11月. 27, 2011

“Aweism。” Adat Chaverim, Brentwood, CA, 10月. 8, 2011

“当代叛教,特邀演讲, Reed College, Portland, OR, April 22, 2011.

“Religion 和反宗教 in Contemporary Scandinavia,特邀演讲, 伯大尼亚路德教会, Solvang, CA, 3月26日, 2011.

“Religion 和反宗教 in 丹麦,特邀演讲, Folkeuniversitet, 哥本哈根, 丹麦, 3月13日, 2011.

没有上帝的社会,特邀演讲, Jefferson Center, 亚什兰, OR2月ruary, 17, 2011.

“当代叛教,特邀演讲, 哥本哈根大学, 哥本哈根, 丹麦, 11月26日, 2010.

“Religion 和反宗教 in 丹麦,特邀演讲, 奥胡斯大学, 奥尔胡斯, 丹麦, 9月27日, 2010.

“俗事 and Society,” presented at the Orange County Free-thought Alliance Conference, Costa Mesa, CA, May 8, 2010.

没有上帝的社会,” presented at the Humanist Association of Los Angeles, 圣塔莫尼卡, CA, 4月11日, 2010, 以及洛玛林达大学, 洛马·林达, CA, 4月17日, 2010.

“伊斯兰教, 移民, 和反宗教,“旅行/研究补助金, European Union Center of California, 2010.

