Talking Trash: Waste and Surplus in the History of American Agriculture




This entry in the Munroe Center for Social Inquiry’s “Talking Trash” lecture series explores how agricultural chemicals evolved from industrial waste to sophisticated pesticides and fertilizers — and how, in the process, we built a crushing surplus of food.


Founders Room, McConnell Center

This talk explores two different periods of American agricultural history. The first half of talk examines how, prior to 1945, American farms became a profitable sink for toxic industrial waste. This toxic waste became the first generation of effective pesticides and the use of these pesticides by American famers turned American farms into places where the burden of industrial waste could be transmuted into widely distributed inputs and non-point source pollution. The second half of the talk explores the decades following World War II. After the war, agricultural output exploded, due in large part to the massive influx of industrial chemicals like pesticides and chemical fertilizers. The consumption of farm products, however, did not keep pace and immense surpluses quickly accrued and I explore some of the methods that the US government, private industry, and farmers used to deal with the crushing effects of agricultural abundance, including teaching us to waste food.

Event Information


  • Munroe Center for Social Inquiry (MCSI)



Event Type

Event Organizer

Jesse Lerner

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